yieldHUB makes engineers 10 times more efficient
Many of our customers are Fabless companies who used to spend far too much time gathering and analyzing data. They struggled with sub-par solutions and put extra pressure on existing teams. Companies who begin working with yieldHUB are often transformed. Yield management systems quickly pay for themselves. One such company is ADTechnology Inc. who switched to yieldHUB back in 2017 and haven’t looked back.
Who are ADTechnology Inc.?
ADTechnology Inc. is a fabless semiconductor company based in South Korea. Founded in 2002, they provide custom designs and semiconductor development. We work with their Test Development and Quality teams.
What was their challenge?
ADTechnology Inc. is a fast-growing company. They generate huge amounts of data, and this increases year on year. Before working with yieldHUB, they used a combination of spreadsheets, free software, stand alone tools and hours of internally developed custom scripts. This process they used was very slow, for example, it took thirty minutes to load one STDF file. The product and test engineering teams spent most of their time uploading files to get results which had to be analyzed in Excel.
Byungwoo Han, Principal Engineer – Test Development, ADTechnology Inc. said: “STDF file conversion, management, and capacity problems caused a lot of hassle and took time. It was solved by yieldHUB! It used to take us three hours to convert multiple STDF files. We now have our data in five minutes! This saves us hundreds of hours each week, which corresponds to many thousands of dollars. The Test Engineer can get the desired results without wasting time processing raw data.”
Speaking about this, Kevin Robinson, Director of Customer Success in yieldHUB said, “Over the years, I’ve seen hundreds of examples of companies who use a combination of spreadsheets, free software, stand alone tools and hours of internally developed custom scripts to analyze data. The problem is that semiconductor data is very large and complex. When using a free option or tool, engineers waste most of their time gathering data. By investing in a specialist and scalable system, it makes life easier. The data is automatically transferred quickly and easily into the database. Engineers spend most of their time-solving problems. Not problems with the data but problems with their own test programs and their own products, which is what they’re paid to do.”
ADTechnology Inc. was able to get by for a while until they experienced huge growth in the company. It increased explosively and they needed teams to oversee production.
John O’Donnell, CEO, yieldHUB said “This happens frequently. Companies get by with free software and spreadsheets while they are small. Then they achieve traction in the market, their data increases substantially, and they need to invest in a system.”
ADTechnology Inc. explored several options before deciding on yieldHUB. Byungwoo said “We knew we had to invest in a system so we had a look at what was out there. The main selling point for us what yieldHUB’s huge database scalability. We can store huge volumes of data and generate sophisticated reports at the touch of a button. It offered the best value for money”.
How long did it take to set-up?
The set-up was seamless. The users in ADTechnology Inc. mastered it within one month. The on-going support and service meant that they were able to get the reports they needed. It tracks so much data that they can play around with it and discover reports they didn’t know existed that prove to be very useful.
Ongoing support
Though yieldHUB’s core staff are English speakers, some team members and agents only speak Korean.
Like all other customers, requests are handled quickly by tech support. One of yieldHUB’s core values is customer support. With support locally in Korea, customer queries are typically answered within one hour! If specialist input is required from yieldHUB team members in other countries, this is all handled efficiently using the online ticket system integrated into the software.
yieldHUB’s system is very fast and processes vast amounts of data within minutes. Mr Han “Using yieldHUB’s Search function, we experienced a very large increase in our work efficiency that we had not felt before. I can identify problems that I had not detected even after collecting and checking data all day, using yieldHUB, in just one minute. We can search data across multiple parameters, various variables and environments (PGM, Site, Test Equipment, Probe Card, LoadBoard, etc.). Problems related to such environments can be instantly identified.”
Byungwoo “yieldHUB makes my team 10 times more efficient. They spend little time transferring data. We are very happy with yieldHUB and recommend them to Fabless companies about to start production. The way to check STDF data using yieldHUB’s database is very useful for companies that manage a lot of mass-production data, and it is a necessary software.”