yieldHUB helps make communication and collaboration seamless, whether working in the office or from home.
We make the right data available to our users. We enable them to share it with their colleagues, suppliers or indeed customers worldwide. In our experience, when people see the same data, it promotes collaboration as they focus more quickly on the key issue. Here is an overview of these key and unique capabilities:
Sharing analysis in real-time across continents and timezones
Your team can log in from any device, anywhere in the world. So if your product engineer is in the US and the subcon is in China, they can log in and communicate through yieldHUB.
Here is an example of a product engineer in the USA using yieldHUB to discover a strong correlation between a fab WAT parameter and a wafer sort bin. She immediately shares the chart and analysis in one click with her colleague in the German fab:
Adding expert advice to help fix issues that might happen in the future:
You can add comments directly in the system which are sent to the relevant person or people. They can add additional comments and reply. It’s faster and seamless as you don’t have to go to a separate email platform. It makes communication easier as the latest comments are visible, so your team won’t miss anything.
An example of a test development engineer in the UK adding a comment to a test in case this test has a high failure rate in production. The comment stream will appear in every appearance of the test in yieldHUB for all future lots in production. This feature is very useful as issues arise:
You can also add comments to bins, programs, testers, wafers, lots, etc.
Setting up alerts and cc’g colleagues
Reports and alerts can be set up to anyone who needs to be involved. So when yieldHUB detects a problem, it will notify all those who need to see it. You can include suppliers, sub-cons and even customers. As everyone gets the report or alert at the same time, it reduces form filling, meeting booking and time spent explaining the issue. Problems are solved faster and easier with yieldHUB.
Adding Labels to Data
You can add labels to datalogs and lots, much like adding labels to emails. The labels can be private or public. A very useful application of this is to label data from corner wafers or wafers with specific behaviours so you can recall them later and compare them with other data.
Reduced need for meetings
yieldHUB sends reports regularly. As managers have access to them, it keeps everyone up to speed in meetings. You won’t have to spend time explaining the latest developments. The system looks after a lot of this, it makes everything smoother.
yieldHUB enables engineers to analyse data down to die level. Engineering managers and VPs have access to Bird’s Eye view charts so you can see what’s going on across all teams and subcons. This reduces the number of updates and reports you would need from your team and makes communication easier and faster.
Visual representations
The report charts make it easier for teams to communicate as they are looking at the same charts and representations of data. With standardized reports across the company, when an engineer identifies an issue, they can show it to their manager using data to illustrate the point.
John O’Donnell, CEO, yieldHUB
“yieldHUB is ideal for companies with teams in different countries who need to work closely together. Our on-line highly scalable solution facilitates quick communication and collaboration across the world with a unique knowledge base that builds up over the years.”
Shane Zhang, Head of Product Engineering, DisplayLink
“Before yieldHUB, we were using a few different systems. We decided to pick one system and consolidate it. It was a great decision as now the teams see the same data, charts and reports which makes communication and problem-solving faster. It’s easier for me to manage the teams and see what’s going on at each stage. ”
Carl Moore, Yield Management Specialist, yieldHUB
“ These days, communication is everything. It is an essential ingredient in businesses, but few people have enough time to communicate often enough. Over the years I’ve seen many issues in production that could have been avoided with adequate information and the right message at the right time. In addition to the reports and service, a YMS helps communication across the team, with your manager, and with the company overall.”